Superstars of the Church, NOT

This morning I had the chance to meet with a bunch of pastors in Riverside. Great bunch of guys, one thing that struck me as we went around the table, telling the ups and downs of what is going on in our churches, none of these guys ( me included ) are superstars. We are just regular guys trying to pastor His Church.

I read the article below and it struck me, we have a bunch of superstars in the church, a bunch of superstars leading churches. We need more team building from within. When we get people that want to be part of the team, wouldn’t it be great if we developed them and found way for their talent to be nurtured.

I guess rather than having a Dallas team we Pastors would do better to have a Philadelphia Eagles mentality.Look at what we have, support our guys, and let them learn our system.

Just some Saturday afternoon rambling .


” Perhaps John Harbaugh just got himself crossed off the Dallas Cowboys’ Christmas card list.

The Ravens coach lambasted Jerry Jones‘ team as “everything that’s wrong the NFL” in a new book about the Eagles.

Via ESPN’s Matt Mosley, who uncovered the quote in the book, Harbaugh said the Cowboys are built around a collection of stars and not on a foundation intended to support long term success.

He said the Eagles’ success since the start of head coach’s Andy Reid tenure in 1999 has come from the Philadelphia coach’s patient team-building. Harbaugh was an assistant to Reid for nine years prior to becoming the Ravens’ coach in 2008.

His comment:

“Why is that? Because what Andy Reid and his program stand for is the opposite of what the Cowboys stand for. The Cowboys are a star system. It’s all about building around individuals first and collecting talent, collecting great players. Andy has always been about building a team. And over the long haul, it’s a team sport, and one of the greatest examples of that is what’s happened with the Eagles and the Cowboys over the last 10 years. The Cowboys stand for everything that’s wrong with the NFL.”